Thursday, October 24, 2013

That'll do Pig

21 Days, 21 Hours. At this moment that's how much time I have left in my service as a Peace Corps volunteer. It's been a humbling, discouraging, eye-opening, inspiring, thought-provoking, and reflective 26 months - and I think it always will be, even after I return home to the "real" world. Am I satisfied and happy that I served in the Peace Corps, or do I regret the isolation, sacrifices and economic loss of the past 2 years? Honestly, I have no idea right now. Maybe in 5 or 10 years I'll look back and realize that I had a positive life-affecting amazing experience, or I'll look back and see only wasted time and lost opportunities. Only time will tell. 

Enough of the maudlin rumination. I am extremely excited to be returning to AMERICA in 3 weeks. Images of food, coffee, college sports, freedom and hearing English dance through my dreams on a nightly basis. I've already conceded the fact that I'm going to binge my way through the holidays on every food and drink I can imagine. My impending repatriation also brings the anxiety and excitement of what's next for me career-wise. No one in Peace Corps warns you how hard it will be to job hunt from a country that most Americans have never heard of - I might as well be applying from Zamunda. Hopefully, I'll land something sooner than later, and wherever I land at least it'll be in America, the PC has definitely conditioned me to appreciate that. 

Finally, in the past month I took my final trip outside of Macedonia. On the trip I lost my good luck charm, my 3-legged Chilean pig, Pig. Pig was a gift from some good friends before I left, he was with me for this entire ride, and he brought good luck (or at least warded off severe bad luck) on all my journeys. It was sad, yet fitting, to lose him on my final excursion, so to Pig, and to my time here in Macedonia - "That'll do, Pig."

Can't wait to get home and see everyone!

My group of Peace Corps volunteers who made it through the entire service, we lost a few for a variety of reasons, but 10 of these amazing people are extending their service (and 2 have found love in Macedonia and married!)