Sunday, August 28, 2011

batting off the tee for my first post...

Since the first question I always get is, "Where in the $%* is Macedonia?", I'll make this my first post...
Located in southeastern Europe, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (i.e. Macedonia) is a completely landlocked country, covering an area of 25,333 square kilometers (9,781 square miles). It is bounded on the north by Serbia and Montenegro, on the east by Bulgaria, on the south by Greece, and on the west by Albania. Comparatively, the country is slightly larger than the state of Vermont (or slightly larger than the combined size of Brewster and Webb counties). 

I guess my second post will have to answer the second question I always get, "Why?"...

Away I Go.. .

Alright - Here it is, my blog.  I'm pretty exhausted from the whole blog set up process, so stay tuned for some irrelevant and un-witty musings later.